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magnetic moment Definition

magnetic moment
noun(magnetic moment)
a vector quantity that is a measure of the torque exerted on a magnetic system (such as a bar magnet or dipole) when placed in a magnetic field and that for a magnet is the product of the distance between its poles and the strength of either pole

Words Related to magnetic moment!

moment of a magnet, gyromagnetic ratio, quantum number, larmor precession, electric charge, zeeman effect, hyperfine structure, magnetic flux density, optical rotation, coriolis force, gravitational force, electron shell, magnetomotive force, mass number, gravitational field, magnetic lens, moment of inertia, lorentz force, mean free path, magnetograph, atomic weight, vector field, galvanoscope, reluctivity, physical phenomenon, muonium, simple harmonic motion, nuclear reaction, thermion, relative atomic mass, electric potential, optical activity, microcrith, dygogram, delta ray, electric current, metallic bond, electrical phenomenon, tasimeter, brownian movement, separation energy, electrovalency, atomic mass, pinch effect, gravitational constant, compton effect, nuclear fusion, neutron number, gas constant, beta particle, potential difference, chemical bond, fundamental interaction, rest mass, gauge boson, kerr effect, spinor, weak force, flux density, hydrodynamometer, photomagnetic, mechanical phenomenon, gravity meter, equivalent weight, thermalize, factor of proportionality, electron spin resonance, sideroscope, protyle, electrode potential, negative charge, optical phenomenon, angular acceleration, magnetic, work function, control rod, rheobase, electrical resistance, centrode, kaleidophone, electron, electric circuit, microgauss, mass defect, orthohydrogen, discharge tube, rydberg constant, microtasimeter, grivation, pyrheliometer, pentatomic, physical property, magnetochemistry, tyndall effect, pair production, coefficient of elasticity, cylindroid, galvanomagnetic, pyromagnetic, state of matter,

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