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thermion Definition

An electrically charged particle, either an electron or an ion, emitted by a conducting material at high temperatures

Words Related to thermion!

electric charge, delta ray, discharge tube, negative charge, electron, electrovalency, electron shell, muonium, quantum number, beta particle, mean free path, ion, atomic weight, mass number, relative atomic mass, metallic bond, compton effect, magnetic moment, nuclear reaction, corposant, separation energy, electron spin resonance, protyle, electrode potential, microcrith, state of matter, polybromide, flux density, electric current, voltaic cell, cloud chamber, photovoltaic effect, glow discharge, geocorona, thermal neutron, lorentz force, atomic mass, electric potential, selenium cell, polychloride, diradiation, electrical phenomenon, potential difference, gyromagnetic ratio, pair production, pyroelectricity, gauge boson, coordination compound, deutoxide, particle, chemical bond, work function, fundamental interaction, hyperfine structure, thermionic valve, sulphion, bubble chamber, physical phenomenon, electron gun, microwave spectroscopy, neutron number, chemical element, ionic bond, natural process, hydrogode, subatom, scintillation counter, band spectrum, peltier effect, pyrheliometer, nuclear fusion, coordinate bond, fundamental particle, photomagnetic, orthohydrogen, transition element, photodisintegration, galvanoscope, binary compound, oxidation number, weak force, equivalent weight, tunnel diode, ion engine, photofission, beta radiation, magnetic flux density, photonuclear, zeeman effect, antineutron, junction transistor, atomic number, chemical energy, calorescence, gravitational force, pentatomic, tyndall effect, bicarbureted, organogen, larmor precession,

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