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pyrheliometer Definition

an instrument for measuring the sun's radiant energy as received at the earth

Words Related to pyrheliometer!

radiation pyrometer, solar constant, light meter, exposure meter, calorescence, heliometer, spectrohelioscope, apparent magnitude, radiant energy, physical phenomenon, heat ray, luminous energy, diradiation, scintillation counter, infrared lamp, thermal neutron, compton effect, aerometer, magnetograph, absolute magnitude, photovoltaic effect, spectral type, holometer, microdensitometer, lucimeter, meteorometer, heliometry, dynactinometer, beamless, discharge tube, heat capacity, galvanoscope, cytophotometer, background radiation, corposant, sensitometer, absorption band, spherometer, tellurometer, beta radiation, electric current, water meter, radiomicrometer, actinic radiation, metergram, tithonic, otheoscope, alpha radiation, actinometry, katharometer, electric eye, counter tube, corpuscular radiation, hydrodynamometer, astrometer, magnetic moment, flux density, thermion, specific heat capacity, gravitational field, tithonographic, glow discharge, radiation, work function, backstaff, gravity meter, nuclear fusion, dasymeter, specific heat, internal energy, solarimeter, cloud chamber, vaporimeter, geocorona, evaporometer, actinism, thermoelectrometer, photomagnetic, standard candle, cosmic background radiation, beta particle, tithonicity, selenodesy, tasimeter, rhysimeter, hodoscope, arc lamp, astrosphere, mean free path, calorimotor, meteorograph, tyndall effect, solar, atomic weight, airometer, cytophotometry, photodisintegration, electrical resistance, stauroscope, sympiesometer,

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