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reluctivity Definition

The quantity equal to the reciprocal of magnetic permeability

Words Related to reluctivity!

coefficient of elasticity, physical property, gravitational constant, quantum number, electric charge, gravitational force, magnetic moment, law of gravitation, gas constant, fundamental interaction, weak force, gyromagnetic ratio, physical phenomenon, modulus of elasticity, zeeman effect, wave theory, sympathetic vibration, gauge boson, muonium, gravitational field, multiplicative inverse, hyperfine structure, weak interaction, microwave spectroscopy, atomic mass, compton effect, electrical phenomenon, physic, chemical equation, gravitational mass, factor of proportionality, lorentz force, optical rotation, strong force, relativistic mass, magnetic lens, magnetic flux density, macrophysics, rest mass, magnetochemistry, pauli exclusion principle, specific volume, optical phenomenon, wave number, conservation of mass, superposition principle, flux density, curie temperature, relative atomic mass, mean free path, aeolotropic, mass number, strong interaction, angular acceleration, curie point, larmor precession, magnetomotive force, natural philosophy, electron shell, rydberg constant, metallic bond, color force, atomic weight, thermomagnetism, atomic theory, magnetic circuit, tunnel diode, optical activity, thermion, magnetician, reciprocality, selenodesy, radial symmetry, spatial property, absolute temperature, electrical resistance, coriolis force, periodic law, magnetograph, nuclear reaction, vector field, absorption band, magnetist, chemical bond, photomagnetism, electron spin resonance, electric potential, chemical phenomenon, photomagnetic, scientific theory, peltier effect, fundamental particle, moment of inertia, refringence, absolute space, helmholtz function, hodoscope, random variable, independent variable, gravity meter,

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