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rheobase Definition

the minimal electric current required to excite a tissue (as nerve or muscle) given an indefinitely long time during which the current is applied

Words Related to rheobase!

chronaxie, electrical phenomenon, electric potential, action potential, electric current, potential difference, rheochord, electrode potential, mutual inductance, tasimeter, electrical resistance, anelectrotonus, electric circuit, critical point, magnetic flux density, rhysimeter, induction coil, vibratiuncle, magnetograph, pulse modulation, magnetic moment, skin effect, microtasimeter, factor of proportionality, physical phenomenon, hydrodynamometer, electrotonus, safety factor, carrier wave, pulsific, galvanoscope, wave number, heat capacity, syntonize, gravity meter, sphygmophone, myograph, electric charge, series circuit, pinch effect, voltammeter, catelectrotonus, haematachometer, zeeman effect, bundle of his, isohel, voltage, rheotrope, equivalent weight, myogram, absolute temperature, cytophotometer, electrical circuit, work function, megampere, simple harmonic motion, independent variable, periodic function, parametric amplifier, vector field, magnetomotive force, specific heat, electrooculography, pyrheliometer, internal energy, neurad, vapour density, purkinje fiber, mutual induction, anacrotism, pulsimeter, amplitude, haemoscope, phase modulation, apparent magnitude, relaxation time, microcoulomb, voltaic cell, thermoelectrometer, lapse rate, chronopher, parelectronomy, exponential distribution, radiation pyrometer, tricrotism, electrepeter, moment of inertia, modulus of elasticity, absorption band, inductometer, light meter, flux density, line of force, mesolabe, gas constant, faradization, noematachograph, refractory period, thermocurrent, sphygmograph,

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