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magnetic lens Definition

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Words Related to magnetic lens!

magnetic moment, zeeman effect, optical rotation, radial symmetry, optical phenomenon, wollaston prism, compton effect, magnetograph, larmor precession, gravitational field, quantum number, absorption band, tyndall effect, vector field, physical phenomenon, gravitational force, heat ray, gyroidal, optical activity, coriolis force, electric charge, gyromagnetic ratio, angle of refraction, euclidean space, reluctivity, spatial property, horopter, magnetic flux density, total internal reflection, absolute magnitude, galvanoscope, spheromere, apparent magnitude, wave number, hemihedral, spherical angle, map projection, angle of reflection, magnetomotive force, moment of inertia, macropinacoid, tangent plane, orthopinacoid, radiately, vector product, bisectrix, sectant, metric space, centrode, delta ray, angular acceleration, kerr effect, nicol prism, actinal, simple harmonic motion, lorentz force, dygogram, photonuclear, brachypinacoid, clinopinacoid, optical device, electron shell, gravitational constant, hodoscope, spectrohelioscope, isochromatic, holometer, angular, hyperfine structure, standard candle, bilateral symmetry, clinodiagonal, gauge boson, hemiholohedral, microwave spectroscopy, scalogram, spherometer, ophthalmometer, pair production, reynolds number, helmholtz function, lissajous figure, physical property, weak force, electrical phenomenon, beam, perradial, fundamental interaction, photomagnetic, scalar field, stauroscope, spheral, monaxial, corradiate, paramere, photodisintegration, holohedral, heliometer, microseme, brownian movement,

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