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hydrodynamometer Definition

An instrument to measure the velocity of a liquid current by the force of its impact

Words Related to hydrodynamometer!

rhysimeter, gravity meter, vaporimeter, aerometer, tasimeter, magnetograph, thermoelectrometer, sympiesometer, myodynamometer, haematachometer, vacuum gauge, rheochord, chyometer, microtasimeter, hydrobarometer, critical point, physical phenomenon, vapour density, electric current, anemography, magnetic moment, aerometry, water meter, cycloscope, mach number, coriolis force, holometer, internal energy, galvanoscope, aerothermodynamics, machmeter, turbulent flow, tribometer, atmometer, rheotrope, specific heat, haemoscope, evaporometer, reaction turbine, mechanical phenomenon, pyrheliometer, airometer, sterhydraulic, metergram, heat capacity, moment of inertia, rheobase, pirameter, gasometry, electrical phenomenon, lorentz force, electrical resistance, thermoscope, helmholtz function, volumescope, electrepeter, ajutage, volumenometer, water gauge, lapse rate, gravitational field, meteorometer, myograph, state of matter, specific heat capacity, astrometer, system of measurement, electrodynamometer, cathetometer, simple harmonic motion, katharometer, chlorinity, magnetic flux density, magnetomotive force, thermocurrent, incoercible, critical temperature, definite quantity, psychrometry, mechanical advantage, reynolds number, factor of proportionality, geostatic, air chamber, dioptometer, dasymeter, stereometry, peirameter, hydrophore, holosteric, absolute temperature, mutual inductance, cephalometry, wheatstone bridge, ozonometry, otto cycle, aerostatics, nephoscope, rydberg constant, discharge tube,

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