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microtasimeter Definition

A tasimeter, especially when arranged for measuring very small extensions

Words Related to microtasimeter!

tasimeter, rheochord, electric current, electrical resistance, thermoelectrometer, galvanoscope, hydrodynamometer, rhysimeter, wheatstone bridge, gravity meter, magnetograph, electric circuit, electrical phenomenon, electrode potential, rheobase, magnetic moment, rheotrope, electrepeter, inductometer, sideroscope, potential difference, induction coil, microcrith, holometer, microcoulomb, tunnel diode, micronometer, syntonize, electrical circuit, aerometer, myodynamometer, voltammeter, magnetic flux density, mutual inductance, series circuit, electric potential, stauroscope, chronaxie, tonophant, tribometer, electrodynamometer, crystal set, sphygmophone, dygogram, carbon microphone, pyrheliometer, mutual induction, physical phenomenon, cytophotometer, skin effect, haemoscope, electrical device, thermoscope, planometer, piezoelectric effect, magnetomotive force, vaporimeter, discharge tube, equivalent weight, stereometry, thermocurrent, light meter, flux density, anemography, sphygmographic, heat capacity, parelectronomy, cytophotometric, pinch effect, electrometry, thermotension, pseudoscope, mechanical phenomenon, starter motor, myograph, atomic weight, anelectrotonus, metallic bond, chyometer, microgauss, critical point, synchroscope, stereoelectric, micro, electric charge, electrical energy, thermionic valve, planometry, zeeman effect, radiation pyrometer, kaleidophone, phonometer, vacuum gauge, volumescope, electrophone, anacrotism, water meter, photovoltaic effect, vibroscope, stethograph,

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