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magnetochemistry Definition

The branch of chemistry that studies the effect of a magnetic field on atomic or molecular structures

Words Related to magnetochemistry!

actinochemistry, femtochemistry, iatrochemistry, chemistry, nuclear chemistry, piezochemistry, zoochemistry, chemism, iatrochemist, superchemical, atomic mass, relative atomic mass, chemical bond, chemical equation, atomic weight, metallic bond, muonium, periodic law, pentatomic, gravimetric analysis, lewis acid, molecularity, mechanochemistry, mass number, hexatomic, environmental science, chemical phenomenon, coordination compound, nuclear reaction, chemical change, lewis base, ionic bond, coordinate bond, polybromide, mendelevium, bihydroguret, elimination reaction, allomerism, quantum number, hyperfine structure, magnetician, deutoxide, equilibrium constant, electron shell, electrovalency, transition element, polychloride, radiochemist, neutron number, conservation of mass, structural formula, natural philosophy, physic, electric charge, chemical element, chemical, amidogen, orthohydrogen, protyle, tetrazone, beta particle, trisnitrate, biochemistry, polyiodide, microcrith, microwave spectroscopy, scientific discipline, electron spin resonance, ununnilium, volumetric analysis, atomic theory, magnetist, atomic number, empirical formula, pentacid, wave theory, hexachloroethane, reluctivity, molecule, alkalamide, magnetic moment, aluminium chloride, ununtrium, mean free path, dicalcic, cacodylic, bicarbureted, chemical reactor, electrochemistry, molecular formula, inorganic chemistry, cytophotometry, equivalent weight, weak interaction, tectology, gyromagnetic ratio, chem, chemical energy, chemolysis, fundamental interaction,

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