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optical activity Definition

optical activity
noun(optical activity)
ability of a chemical substance to rotate the plane of vibration of polarized light to the right or left

Words Related to optical activity!

optical rotation, stereoisomerism, enantiomorph, hyperfine structure, stereospecific polymer, gyroidal, quantum number, magnetic moment, optical phenomenon, zeeman effect, kerr effect, plagihedral, macropinacoid, clinopinacoid, electron shell, holohedral, sectant, wollaston prism, brachypinacoid, structural formula, chemical bond, mean free path, aristotype, single bond, hemihedral, magnetic lens, orthopinacoid, hemiholohedral, metallic bond, equivalent weight, gyromagnetic ratio, stauroscope, mass number, electric charge, levogyrate, radial symmetry, transition element, absorption band, pentatomic, mechanochemistry, microwave spectroscopy, spatial property, atomic weight, orthodiagonal, empirical formula, clinometric, cubane, clinodiagonal, point group, auxochrome, map projection, bisectrix, atomic mass, nicol prism, hexatomic, macrodome, ionic bond, simple harmonic motion, tetrazone, molecularity, tangent plane, coordination compound, relative atomic mass, lewis base, chemical equation, tyndall effect, orthohydrogen, coordinate bond, bicarbureted, reluctivity, vector field, herapathite, macroprism, macrodiagonal, catenoid, larmor precession, heterochiral, physical phenomenon, dichroscope, biprism, thiophthene, pair production, angle of refraction, cytophotometry, cytophotometer, microcrith, spherical angle, sandwich compound, pseudosymmetry, coriolis force, deutoxide, crystal system, bihydroguret, compton effect, dygogram, chemical phenomenon, centrode, state of matter, neutron number, euclidean space,

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