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electric charge Definition

Sorry, we have no definition for electric charge, but we found lots of similar words you can look up.

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Words Related to electric charge!

charge, quantum number, negative charge, muonium, thermion, electrovalency, delta ray, gauge boson, magnetic moment, gyromagnetic ratio, electron, weak force, electron shell, strong force, mean free path, fundamental interaction, lorentz force, separation energy, fundamental particle, metallic bond, color force, mass number, electric potential, up quark, gravitational force, compton effect, beta particle, potential difference, electrical phenomenon, lambda particle, antineutron, nuclear reaction, strong interaction, down quark, baryon number, tauon, electric current, hyperfine structure, bottom quark, zeeman effect, relative atomic mass, reluctivity, atomic weight, discharge tube, photovoltaic effect, neutron number, larmor precession, protyle, physical phenomenon, chemical bond, optical rotation, electron spin resonance, atomic mass, flux density, antitauon, magnetic flux density, abcoulomb, lepton number, photon, microwave spectroscopy, ionic bond, magnetomotive force, electrode potential, corposant, photonuclear, subatom, microcrith, pyroelectricity, microcoulomb, gravitational constant, tunnel diode, peltier effect, magnetic monopole, pentatomic, electromagnetic interaction, polybromide, gravitational field, kerr effect, beauty quark, heteropolar, electrical energy, coordinate bond, antilepton, antimuon, photoneutron, pauli exclusion principle, electrovalent, electrostriction, gravitino, charge unit, nuclear fusion, weak interaction, photomagnetic, neutron, orthohydrogen, gas constant, work function, rest mass, magnetochemistry, state of matter,

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