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optical rotation Definition

optical rotation
noun(optical rotation)
the angle through which the plane of vibration of polarized light that traverses an optically active substance is rotated

Words Related to optical rotation!

optical activity, optical phenomenon, magnetic moment, gyroidal, zeeman effect, stereoisomerism, kerr effect, wollaston prism, quantum number, magnetic lens, hyperfine structure, absorption band, electric charge, larmor precession, gyromagnetic ratio, coriolis force, clinopinacoid, stauroscope, tyndall effect, nicol prism, macropinacoid, electron shell, brachypinacoid, plagihedral, levogyrate, orthopinacoid, sectant, levorotation, radial symmetry, mean free path, physical phenomenon, simple harmonic motion, tangent plane, microwave spectroscopy, gravitational field, polarization, clinodiagonal, hemiholohedral, vector field, clinometric, enantiomorph, hemihedral, compton effect, dygogram, reluctivity, magnetograph, stereospecific polymer, angle of refraction, holohedral, wave number, bisectrix, centrode, coelostat, refringence, spherical angle, catenoid, gravitational force, optical device, spatial property, total internal reflection, map projection, transvection, contrarotation, electron spin resonance, orthodiagonal, rydberg constant, brownian movement, auxochrome, chemical bond, mass number, galvanoscope, metallic bond, circumvolution, lorentz force, biprism, clinostat, spinor, moment of inertia, dichroscope, bilateral symmetry, corotate, aristotype, magnetic dip, magnetomotive force, photomagnetic, pinacoid, orbital plane, thermion, orthohydrogen, macrodome, electrostriction, pair production, angle of reflection, macrodiagonal, magnetic north, electrical phenomenon, sympathetic vibration, pentatomic, circumrotation, pyroelectricity,

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