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specific volume Definition

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Words Related to specific volume!

mass defect, atomic mass, isopycnic, density, gram atom, reluctivity, specific heat capacity, mass, gravitational constant, flux density, relativistic mass, aerometer, atomic weight, multiplicative inverse, rest mass, random variable, factor of proportionality, unit of measurement, equivalent weight, relative atomic mass, rydberg constant, yrneh, vapour density, mass number, areometer, mass unit, gravitational mass, tritorium, magnetic moment, gas constant, absolute space, superpartient, metric system, critical point, relative density, helmholtz function, specific heat, gasometry, heat capacity, gravitational field, gravity meter, apparent magnitude, quantum number, fundamental quantity, cyclotomy, metric space, physical property, gravitational force, exponential distribution, abcoulomb, hydrodynamometer, superposition principle, microcrith, magnitude relation, atomic mass unit, mathematical process, independent variable, electric charge, pair production, lapse rate, stereometry, unit, foot poundal, gram equivalent, line of force, zolotnik, isologous, skin effect, absolute temperature, moment of inertia, dasymeter, safety factor, topological group, physical phenomenon, isohel, microcoulomb, lorentz force, cambistry, rheobase, tasimeter, internal energy, magnetomotive force, concorporation, modulus of elasticity, diffusibility, semanteme, electron shell, wave number, troy weight, metergram, electrical resistance, absolute humidity, conglobulate, missificate, euclidean space, areometry, joint probability, otto cycle, centre of buoyancy, proportionment,

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