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photomagnetism Definition

The branch of science that deals with the relation of magnetism to light

Words Related to photomagnetism!

magnetician, magnetist, magnetism, photomagnetic, thermomagnetism, pyromagnetic, selenodesy, phrenomagnetism, photonuclear, galvanomagnetic, photodisintegration, natural philosophy, actinochemistry, magnetochemistry, astrometeorology, tithonographic, reluctivity, macrophysics, photoneutron, magnetic moment, physic, physical phenomenon, photovoltaic effect, electric charge, photofission, tithonic, photoscope, photoconduction, curie temperature, optogram, gravitational force, magnetic, curie point, wave theory, ceraunics, compton effect, anacamptics, quantum number, astrognosy, spectrohelioscope, femtochemistry, optography, lorentz force, actinic radiation, magnetograph, actinology, spectral type, radiant energy, cosmorama, photovisual, photokinesis, photoautotroph, infrared lamp, ray of light, electromagnetism, zeeman effect, uranology, scintillation counter, photodynamics, nuclear chemistry, gravitational constant, radio astronomy, hodoscope, photoemissive, pyrheliometer, law of gravitation, magnetizee, luminous energy, spectroheliograph, actinism, muonium, weak force, gravitational field, sensitometer, photobiotic, chemism, fundamental interaction, photogeology, metallic bond, heliography, microwave spectroscopy, selenium cell, anaclastics, selenology, pinch effect, geocorona, calorescence, tithonicity, gravitational mass, larmor precession, ultramicroscope, magnetic flux density, thermion, areology, gauge boson, weak interaction, heat ray, atomic theory, flux density, chromatology,

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