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ampere turn Definition

ampere turn
the meter-kilogram-second unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force around a path that links with one turn of wire carrying an electric current of one ampere

Words Related to ampere turn!

magnetomotive force unit, magnetomotive force, gilbert, electromagnetic unit, magnetic moment, yrneh, electric potential, lorentz force, electrical resistance, megampere, electric current, flux unit, gilbertian, magnetic circuit, electrical phenomenon, electric charge, abcoulomb, thermoelectrometer, potential difference, charge unit, tasimeter, inductance unit, quantum number, internal energy, coriolis force, magnetograph, foot poundal, unit, electric circuit, electrode potential, mutual inductance, abhenry, thermion, electron shell, electrepeter, pinch effect, atomic mass unit, flux density, flux density unit, hydrodynamometer, abampere, gravity meter, zeeman effect, specific volume, thermocurrent, specific heat capacity, rheochord, magnetic flux density, gas constant, gyromagnetic ratio, fundamental interaction, military group, microtasimeter, work function, megacoulomb, physical phenomenon, mass number, metallic bond, rheotrope, anelectrotonus, reluctivity, induction coil, rheobase, military strength, muonium, microgauss, daraf, electrical circuit, galvanoscope, rest mass, gravitational force, line of force, electrical energy, unit of measurement, anemography, gravitational constant, mutual induction, microweber, hyperfine structure, negative charge, millihenry, milliweber, series circuit, abvolt, photovoltaic effect, nanotesla, atomic weight, coulometer, atomic mass, peltier effect, pyrheliometer, superposition principle, thermal neutron, mass defect, state of matter, skin effect, superpartient, piezoelectric effect, heteropolar, megafarad,

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