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adiabatically Definition

occurring without loss or gain of heat

Words Related to adiabatically!

critical temperature, temperature change, otto cycle, transition temperature, peltier effect, curie point, linearly, vapour density, isodiabatic, curie temperature, absolute temperature, thermodynamic equilibrium, liquid air, triple point, frigerate, thermodynamic temperature, saturation point, natural process, reynolds number, laplace operator, delta ray, absolute humidity, thermodynamically, quantum number, exhalable, lapse rate, equilibrize, monotonically, vaporate, isotropically, partial pressure, space lattice, sinusoidally, coriolis force, compressibleness, gyromagnetic ratio, internal energy, ideal gas, change state, cymogene, obcompressed, coefficient of friction, thermal neutron, turbulent flow, helmholtz function, logarithmically, exponentially, electric charge, total internal reflection, asymptotically, specific heat, dipole moment, water vapour, air pocket, cloud chamber, aerometry, insaturable, electrical phenomenon, electric dipole, idiothermic, thermosystaltic, reversibly, air chamber, thermally, mean free path, bubble chamber, diathermous, specific heat capacity, hot up, elastically, mach number, topological space, critical point, pauli exclusion principle, seebeck effect, instantaneously, euclidean space, zeeman effect, brownian movement, incrementally, reverberatory furnace, crystal lattice, progressively, simple harmonic motion, mathematical space, exothermic reaction, physical property, pervaporate, magnetic lens, magnetic moment, parabolically, isobarometric, heat engine, magnetic flux, gradually, heat capacity, steady state, rapidly, deliquiate, air out,

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