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triple point Definition

triple point
noun(triple point)
the condition of temperature and pressure under which the gaseous, liquid, and solid phases of a substance can exist in equilibrium

Words Related to triple point!

critical temperature, critical point, specific heat, vapour density, thermobarometer, specific heat capacity, thermodynamic temperature, cymogene, absolute temperature, heat capacity, heat of vaporization, ebullioscopy, heat of fusion, state of matter, ebullioscope, saturation point, sympiesometer, cryoscope, holosteric, absolute humidity, consolute, partial pressure, geothermometer, reflux condenser, internal energy, vaporimeter, gasometry, isodiabatic, ideal gas, temperature, athermic, cryoscopy, thermoscope, equivalent weight, isothermobathic, atomic weight, homoiothermal, kilogram calorie, syntectic, atmometer, isothermobath, thermophobia, peritectic, transition temperature, ice point, aerothermodynamics, isocryme, cryometer, tritorium, katharometer, water gauge, deliquiate, rhigolene, kelvin scale, destructive distillation, chlorinity, natural process, lapse rate, gram calorie, dephlegmation, microcrith, thermotension, helmholtz function, dephlegmator, turbulent flow, otto cycle, pyrochemical, dephlegmate, temperature scale, water meter, thermal neutron, pinacolin, equilibrium constant, hydrodynamometer, radiation pyrometer, town gas, haemochromometer, relative atomic mass, cohobation, reynolds number, physical property, atomic mass, thermoelectrometer, vaporific, cohobate, volumetric analysis, hexone, frigorie, mean free path, temperature change, saccharimetry, fundamental quantity, aerometer, rhysimeter, mercury barometer, hydrotimetry, bubble chamber, cloud chamber, quadrantal, nitrometer,

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