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thermally Definition

by means of heat or with respect to thermal properties

Words Related to thermally!

insulating, defogger, drink, electrically, thermodynamically, electromagnetically, optically, chemically, photochemically, magnetically, mechanically, electrostatically, radially, ultrasonically, pneumatically, molecularly, orthogonally, helically, catalytically, atomically, lithographically, enzymatically, bacterially, coaxially, thermostatically, experimentally, hydrostatically, axially, covalently, metabolically, platymeter, thermomagnetism, glass wool, diathermous, idiothermic, semiconductor device, thermal neutron, adiathermic, calorimotor, skin effect, electrode potential, junction transistor, infrared lamp, electrical phenomenon, thermal conductivity, photovoltaic effect, heat capacity, peltier effect, hermetically, caloriduct, specific heat capacity, electric resistance, curie temperature, silicon oxide, temperature change, thermodynamic temperature, curie point, voltaic couple, metallic bond, potential difference, electrical resistance, thermoelectrometer, electrical circuit, specific heat, caliduct, reverberatory furnace, critical temperature, piezoelectric effect, voltaic cell, glow discharge, electric current, josephson junction, cymogene, electric circuit, heat of fusion, electrolytic capacitor, cyamelide, volcanize, pyrolignic, ionic bond, carbon microphone, thermotension, discharge tube, internal energy, heat engine, electric charge, thermotype, chemical bond, thermosystaltic, radiation pyrometer, parametric amplifier, vapour density, electric potential, silicone rubber, low temperature, thermotaxic, high temperature, pyrophane, diagometer, transition temperature,

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