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thermodynamically Definition

of or relating to thermodynamics
being or relating to a system of atoms, molecules, colloidal particles, or larger bodies considered as an isolated group in the study of thermodynamic processes

Words Related to thermodynamically!

thermally, electromagnetically, photochemically, catalytically, electrically, mechanically, topologically, chemically, stochastically, atomically, hydrostatically, spectrally, axially, electrostatically, molecularly, enzymatically, optically, helically, volumetrically, orthogonally, magnetically, oppositely, radially, kinetically, peltier effect, transition temperature, ionic bond, chemical bond, equilibrium constant, thermodynamic temperature, elimination reaction, coordinate bond, reynolds number, curie point, curie temperature, electric charge, state of matter, thermodynamic equilibrium, chemical phenomenon, critical temperature, theoretically, temperature change, mathematically, quantum number, absolute temperature, mechanistically, pauli exclusion principle, atomic theory, covalent bond, gyromagnetic ratio, dinitrogen tetroxide, chemical equilibrium, reversibly, ideal gas, equilibrize, ex hypothesi, steady state, metallic bond, stabulation, hydruret, structural formula, thermal neutron, experimentally, internal energy, mean free path, space lattice, electron spin resonance, quantum electrodynamics, single bond, carbonium ion, thermomagnetism, chemical equation, coordination compound, crystal lattice, conservation of energy, double decomposition, cymogene, strong force, triple bond, empirical formula, brownian movement, stereospecific polymer, deterministically, natural process, hydrogen bond, electron shell, addition reaction, weak force, physiologically, strong interaction, relative atomic mass, triple point, nuclear reaction, phase rule, color force, climatically, chemical change, electrode potential, vapour density, protosilicate,

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