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critical temperature Definition

Sorry, we have no definition for critical temperature, but we found lots of similar words you can look up.

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Words Related to critical temperature!

critical point, specific heat, triple point, heat capacity, specific heat capacity, vapour density, thermodynamic temperature, absolute temperature, thermobarometer, cymogene, temperature, saturation point, absolute humidity, sympiesometer, athermic, geothermometer, lapse rate, thermoscope, temperature change, homoiothermal, cryometer, kilogram calorie, radiation pyrometer, natural process, internal energy, thermal neutron, partial pressure, heat of vaporization, isothermobathic, otto cycle, state of matter, isothermobath, thermophobia, isocryme, gram calorie, turbulent flow, transition temperature, ideal gas, katharometer, holosteric, frigorie, thermotaxic, heat of fusion, aerothermodynamics, meteorograph, radiomicrometer, atmometer, thermotension, psychrometry, hot up, pyrochemical, helmholtz function, telethermometer, aerometry, fundamental quantity, consolute, hydrodynamometer, vaporimeter, afterheat, isodiabatic, rhysimeter, thermotype, cryophorus, thermosystaltic, water meter, idiothermic, peritectic, syntectic, reflux condenser, cryoscope, gasometry, thermoelectrometer, thermocurrent, rhigolene, dephlegmator, calefacient, deliquiate, ebullioscopy, reynolds number, physical phenomenon, hygrostatics, water gauge, isobarometric, dephlegmation, dephlegmate, kelvin scale, aerometer, physical property, ice point, hygrothermograph, refrigerative, vaporific, regelation, evaporometer, equivalent weight, temperature scale, air pocket, mercury barometer, incoercible, destructive distillation,

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