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critical point Definition

critical point
noun(critical point)
a point on the graph of a function where the derivative is zero or infinite

Words Related to critical point!

juncture, crossroads, critical temperature, vapour density, triple point, heat capacity, specific heat, absolute temperature, helmholtz function, specific heat capacity, state of matter, point of inflection, isothermobath, internal energy, lapse rate, hydrodynamometer, sympiesometer, isocryme, equivalent weight, independent variable, turbulent flow, rheobase, isohel, partial pressure, rhysimeter, isothermobathic, gasometry, thermodynamic temperature, thermobarometer, safety factor, ideal gas, centre of buoyancy, cymogene, factor of proportionality, atomic weight, periodic function, chronaxie, chemical equilibrium, isodiabatic, absolute humidity, reynolds number, gram equivalent, aerometer, exponential distribution, lissajous figure, moment of inertia, physical phenomenon, natural process, otto cycle, stationary point, definite quantity, tasimeter, water meter, fundamental quantity, saturation point, vaporimeter, agravic, rheochord, gas constant, electrode potential, facient, leap second, vector field, topological group, incoercible, simple harmonic motion, corradiation, relative atomic mass, cryoscope, frigorie, unit of measurement, magnetic moment, atomic mass, mass defect, metric space, random variable, chemical equation, mean free path, electrical resistance, decinormal, line of force, thermoscope, aerothermodynamics, isotach, vacuum gauge, logometric, rydberg constant, heat of vaporization, holosteric, atmometer, radiation pyrometer, mesolabe, microcrith, heat of fusion, osculatrix, volumetric analysis, gravity meter, physical property, haemoscope, ajutage,

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