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pyroelectricity Definition

a state of electrical polarization produced (as in a crystal) by a change of temperature

Words Related to pyroelectricity!

electrical phenomenon, potential difference, electric charge, electric current, photovoltaic effect, electric potential, thermion, photoconduction, piezoelectric effect, electrostriction, peltier effect, katharometer, electrical resistance, thermal neutron, electric eye, thermobattery, parametric amplifier, thermomagnetism, scintillation counter, magnetic moment, electrode potential, induction coil, physical phenomenon, electric circuit, curie temperature, electrothermic, optical rotation, curie point, voltammeter, zeeman effect, thermoelectrometer, discharge tube, radiation pyrometer, infrared lamp, pyrheliometer, thermocurrent, photomagnetic, semiconductor device, piezoelectric, thermionic valve, magnetic flux density, conductivity, galvanoscope, platymeter, electrical energy, absorption band, electrical circuit, junction transistor, electron gun, glow discharge, selenium cell, telethermometer, voltage, corposant, coulometer, mean free path, voltaic cell, electron spin resonance, quantum number, catelectrode, magnetograph, magnetomotive force, bathythermograph, thermopile, kerr effect, josephson junction, reluctivity, dielectric, calorimotor, larmor precession, anelectrotonus, electromagnetic, mutual inductance, inductometer, seebeck effect, electric resistance, gyromagnetic ratio, electrodynamometer, tunnel diode, electrical device, counter tube, optical phenomenon, delta ray, microwave spectroscopy, otheoscope, compton effect, negative charge, voltagraphy, radiomicrometer, capacitance, electrovalency, galvanomagnetic, internal energy, photodiode, photodisintegration, photocurrent, anelectrode, rheochord, dipole moment, diode,

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