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electrical device Definition

electrical device
a device that produces or is powered by electricity

Words Related to electrical device!

induction coil, mechanical device, electrical circuit, starter motor, thermionic valve, electric circuit, electric current, potential difference, electrical system, telephone cord, electric range, inductometer, refrigeration system, electrodynamometer, voltammeter, primary coil, crystal set, telephone system, platymeter, electric eye, radio receiver, parametric amplifier, knife switch, telephone wire, syntonize, electrical, audio system, calorimotor, electric potential, telethermometer, galvanoscope, tickler coil, outlet box, voltaic battery, electrical phenomenon, electric lamp, discharge tube, glow discharge, thermobattery, car battery, distributor cap, mutual induction, voltameter, cable release, anelectrode, heat engine, patchboard, electrepeter, inverter, semiconductor device, storage battery, synchroscope, thermoelectrometer, source of illumination, vitrite, parallel circuit, series circuit, arc lamp, electrode potential, storage cell, oil pump, electrical energy, electric drill, voltage, surge protector, voltaic cell, sewer line, otheoscope, electrophone, carcel lamp, photovoltaic effect, wire, analog computer, catelectrode, electrical converter, electrical outlet, fan belt, automobile engine, telephone exchange, electron tube, stereoelectric, rheophore, calorifere, electrical resistance, wheel and axle, transformer, athodyd, electric fan, sphygmophone, telephone jack, kitchen range, electric fire, inducteous, tasimeter, stereo system, extension cord, microtasimeter, capacitor, picovolt, electric organ,

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