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platymeter Definition

An apparatus for measuring the capacity of condensers, or the inductive capacity of dielectrics

Words Related to platymeter!

electrical phenomenon, electric circuit, electrical circuit, potential difference, electrical device, induction coil, parametric amplifier, electric current, capacitor, electric potential, inductometer, semiconductor device, galvanoscope, electrode potential, electrical resistance, dielectric, electrostriction, inducteous, thermionic valve, capacitance, discharge tube, condenser, electrodynamometer, mutual inductance, starter motor, series circuit, thermion, telethermometer, mutual induction, inductive, katharometer, thermoelectrometer, rheochord, parallel circuit, skin effect, voltammeter, thermobattery, inductor, primary coil, junction transistor, piezoelectric effect, heat capacity, magnetic flux density, tickler coil, tasimeter, heat engine, pyroelectricity, electric resistance, voltaic cell, calorifere, calorimotor, syntonize, electric charge, rheobase, storage battery, rectificator, voltage, peltier effect, photovoltaic effect, microtasimeter, sterhydraulic, otto cycle, tunnel diode, voltaic battery, magnetic moment, radiation pyrometer, electrolytic capacitor, electric eye, catelectrode, pinch effect, glow discharge, specific heat capacity, zener diode, electrical energy, vapour density, anelectrode, anelectrotonus, magnetomotive force, bathythermograph, chyometer, electrode, atmometer, inductance, specific heat, evaporometer, metallic bond, zeeman effect, physical phenomenon, haemochromometer, electron tube, inductional, cryoscope, chronaxie, impedance, electrothermic, tribometer, reaction turbine, dephlegmator, conductivity, heteropolar,

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