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paramagnet Definition

a paramagnetic substance

Words Related to paramagnet!

paramagnetic, curie temperature, curie point, ferrimagnetism, photomagnetic, gyromagnetic ratio, magnetization, magnetic moment, electric charge, quantum number, magnet, electrovalency, galvanomagnetic, electron spin resonance, superconducting, reluctivity, thermomagnetism, ferromagnetism, electron, coordinate bond, electrostriction, dipole moment, valence electron, muonium, bar magnet, electron shell, magnetic flux, magnetism, josephson junction, ionic bond, transition element, magnetostriction, thermion, decipium, delta ray, electric dipole, crystal lattice, ferrite, coordination compound, electromagnet, magnetic flux density, zeeman effect, microwave spectroscopy, kerr effect, pyroelectricity, hyperfine structure, gauge boson, mass number, samarskite, space lattice, magnetochemistry, dipolar, philippium, larmor precession, negative charge, neutron number, antineutron, exciton, chemical bond, diamagnetism, hyperfine, gadolinia, beta particle, chelate compound, subatom, aeolotropy, photoconduction, optical rotation, aeolotropic, electromagnetic, atomic number, strong force, fundamental particle, neutron, mean free path, photoneutron, coulometer, magnetic monopole, semiconducting, separation energy, polybromide, superconductivity, metallic element, excitation, magnetist, chemical element, sandwich compound, down quark, photodisintegration, ion, color force, dielectric, loadstone, gravitational force, antinucleon, coercivity, relative atomic mass, anisotropy, photomagnetism, quantivalence,

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