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aerothermodynamics Definition

noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction(aero-ther-mo-dy-nam-ics)
the thermodynamics of gases and especially of air

Words Related to aerothermodynamics!

katharometer, vapour density, ideal gas, otto cycle, partial pressure, state of matter, velocity, hydrodynamometer, aerometer, helmholtz function, discharge tube, sympiesometer, pneumatic trough, reynolds number, mean free path, mach number, critical temperature, aerometry, internal energy, heat of vaporization, turbulent flow, gas, specific heat, gasometry, absolute temperature, rhysimeter, aerostatics, thermal neutron, electric charge, specific heat capacity, heat engine, critical point, peltier effect, thermodynamic temperature, triple point, heat capacity, airometer, carburetant, gravitational constant, quantum number, athodyd, natural process, water rocket, marsh gas, thermion, gravitational field, gravitational force, physical phenomenon, magnetic moment, aerohydrodynamic, coriolis force, ozonometer, dasymeter, haematachometer, flux density, psychrometry, gasogen, sterhydraulic, cymogene, reaction turbine, gas constant, cloud chamber, ion engine, absolute humidity, corposant, bubble chamber, lorentz force, antiozonant, astrosphere, combustion, relative atomic mass, aeromechanics, ozonometry, volumetric analysis, atmometer, tribometer, weak force, temperature change, vacuum gauge, thermoelectrometer, stirling engine, geissler tube, cycloscope, vaporescence, specific impulse, conservation of energy, air chamber, bude burner, larmor precession, reluctivity, vaporimeter, atomic mass, liquid air, meteorometer, thermodynamics, angular acceleration, factor of proportionality, moment of inertia, thermobarometer, atomic weight,

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