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electrostatically Definition

of or relating to static electricity or electrostatics
of or relating to painting with a spray that utilizes electrically charged particles to ensure complete coating

Words Related to electrostatically!

magnetically, electromagnetically, electrically, thermally, covalently, radially, chemically, optically, ultrasonically, photochemically, helically, circumferentially, axially, coaxially, thermodynamically, catalytically, concentrically, electrolytically, molecularly, electric charge, ionic bond, coordinate bond, negative charge, delta ray, nonadsorbent, curie temperature, chemical bond, electron gun, platymeter, metallic bond, electric potential, curie point, potential difference, electrical phenomenon, piezoelectric effect, boron nitride, lorentz force, diamagnetically, crystal lattice, coordination compound, anelectrode, valence electron, magnetic moment, voltagraphy, adhesively, hydrogode, josephson junction, electric field, covalent bond, thermomagnetism, storage battery, oppositely, electrode potential, catelectrode, gyromagnetic ratio, mechanically, tunnel diode, larmor precession, voltaic cell, kerr effect, pneumatically, electric current, junction transistor, sacrificial anode, quantum number, chelate compound, discharge tube, space lattice, tickler coil, pentabasic, hexabasic, dative bond, molecular sieve, lewis base, antitauon, electric resistance, silicon oxide, fundamental interaction, selenium cell, nonparticulate, magnetomotive force, electron shell, electromotive force, diagometer, parametric amplifier, voltaic battery, glass wool, separation energy, titanium oxide, gauge boson, particle beam, anionic detergent, photochemical reaction, ion exchange, boron carbide, empirical formula, gravitational force, magnetic flux density, corona discharge, thermionic valve,

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