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optically Definition

in an optical manner
Optically distorted.

Words Related to optically!

anisotropic, inert, free, electrically, thermally, electromagnetically, chemically, magnetically, mechanically, spatially, visually, spectrally, molecularly, photochemically, thermodynamically, ultrasonically, electrostatically, lithographically, atomically, coaxially, spectroscopically, circumferentially, transversely, oppositely, experimentally, orthogonally, axially, plastically, spherically, topologically, reversibly, optical device, covalently, nicol prism, wollaston prism, perspicil, anaclastics, schmidt telescope, heteroptics, achromatic lens, double refraction, optical phenomenon, actinic radiation, megalethoscope, catopter, stauroscope, absorption band, optical rotation, optography, light microscope, optical instrument, optical activity, maksutov telescope, electron gun, compound microscope, scioptics, chromascope, scintillation counter, microwave spectroscopy, kerr effect, semilenticular, chromatic aberration, zeeman effect, diaphanoscope, anorthoscope, photographic plate, opsiometer, simple microscope, heat ray, spherical aberration, calorescence, absorption spectrum, tyndall effect, dioptometer, infrared lamp, compton effect, magnetic lens, liquid crystal, semiconductor device, infrared radiation, junction transistor, vitrella, thermionic valve, holophote, disdiaclast, chromophane, electron microscope, carrier wave, digitally, electric eye, electron spin resonance, electromagnetic wave, anacamptics, delta ray, alethoscope, aqueous humour, photovoltaic effect, diacaustic, stereospecific polymer, terrestrial telescope,

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