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magnetomotive Definition

noun(mag-ne-to-mo-tive force)
a force that is the cause of a flux of magnetic induction

Words Related to magnetomotive!

magnetomotive force, magnetic moment, gyromagnetic ratio, magnetic circuit, zeeman effect, electric charge, magnetic lens, magnetic flux density, lorentz force, coriolis force, magnetic field, curie temperature, magnetic flux, electrical phenomenon, gravitational field, kerr effect, charge unit, curie point, magnetic, potential difference, electric current, gyromagnetic, flux unit, electric potential, larmor precession, dipole moment, galvanomagnetic, flux density unit, optical rotation, quantum number, foot poundal, gravitational force, electron spin resonance, magnetostatic, induction coil, electric dipole, pyromagnetic, thermomagnetism, magnetomotive force unit, ampere turn, electromotive, field magnet, electrical resistance, gauge boson, electric field, electromotive force, fluxgate, gravitational, photomagnetic, magnetical, ferromagnetic, yrneh, heteropolar, paramagnetic, electromagnetic unit, color force, pinch effect, electromagnetic, electric circuit, delta ray, current unit, centripetal force, dipole, magnetic north, rheotrope, homopolar, bar magnet, josephson junction, fundamental interaction, diamagnetic, permanent magnet, electrepeter, electron gun, flux density, magnetoelectric, phrenomagnetism, parametric amplifier, megacoulomb, line of force, hall effect, megampere, electron shell, vector field, strong force, physical phenomenon, centripetal, antinucleon, negative charge, fundamental particle, up quark, electric bell, compton effect, mutual inductance, floptical, hydrodynamometer, direct current, sideroscope, disarmature, polarily, electrode potential,

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