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scalogram Definition

an arrangement of items (such as problems on a test or features of speech) in ascending order so that the presence or accomplishment of an item at one level implies the presence of or the capability to accomplish items at all lower levels

Words Related to scalogram!

map projection, independent variable, euclidean space, perspectograph, harmonic analysis, vector field, dygogram, holometer, teinoscope, pseudovector, metric space, affine transformation, laryngograph, descriptive geometry, rydberg constant, absolute space, apparent magnitude, magnetograph, cartesian product, scalar field, anemograph, horopter, random variable, logarithmic function, helmholtz function, spatial property, lissajous figure, anemography, dependent variable, tangent plane, harmonograph, logic diagram, magnetic lens, mollifier, optical phenomenon, myogram, spectral type, homoeomerous, centrode, cyclotomy, hilbert space, optical rotation, cofunction, carrier wave, linear perspective, exponential function, stereometry, vector product, optical activity, physical phenomenon, gravity meter, macropinacoid, mental picture, myograph, clinopinacoid, datum plane, stethograph, vibrograph, astereognosis, pulse modulation, anomaloscope, magnetic moment, cephalometry, macroprism, pseudograph, dynactinometer, orthopinacoid, sectant, curvograph, alethoscope, wollaston prism, monte carlo method, homaloid, scenograph, absolute magnitude, transhape, topological space, identity matrix, joint probability, sciagraphy, surfel, point of inflection, enscale, square matrix, linear operator, partial derivative, unitary matrix, spectral, brachypinacoid, pointel, mandelbrot set, radius vector, pseudoscope, apotome, scalar product, echometer, hemiholohedral, binary operation, helicograph, hyetograph,

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