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bandgap Definition

The energy difference between two allowed ranges of electron energy in a solid; especially the difference between the energies of the valence band and the conduction band

Words Related to bandgap!

semiconductors, photonic, josephson junction, semiconductor device, waveguide, electrical phenomenon, photovoltaic effect, dielectric, junction transistor, potential difference, absorption band, semiconducting, wavelength, electron, electric charge, semiconductor, electrostriction, photoconduction, zeeman effect, electric potential, space lattice, compton effect, nanowire, diode, pyroelectricity, mean free path, thermion, parametric amplifier, quantum number, transistor, microwave spectroscopy, exciton, auxochrome, tunnel diode, widegap, superconducting, dipole moment, negative charge, kerr effect, linewidth, nanostructure, reluctivity, silicon oxide, dopant, electron shell, electric current, wave number, photocurrent, graphene, refringence, capacitance, electric circuit, magnetic flux, varactor, magnetic circuit, electron spin resonance, gyromagnetic ratio, thermionic valve, nanotube, peltier effect, selenium cell, electrical resistance, optical phenomenon, piezoelectric effect, conductivity, excitation, photodetector, photodiode, nitride, ekasilicon, metallic bond, voltage, zener diode, magnetomotive force, optical rotation, electrical circuit, terahertz, crystal lattice, metamaterial, valence electron, superconductor, microstrip, electrode potential, epitaxial, flux unit, mutual inductance, curie point, electromagnetic wave, electrovalency, delta ray, resonator, nanoscale, curie temperature, platymeter, nanometer, physical phenomenon, muonium, birefringence, erbia, hyperfine structure,

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