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norman mailer Definition

norman mailer
biographical name(Mai-ler)
Norman 1923—2007 American author

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susan sontag, john updike, william styron, kurt vonnegut, philip roth, louis auchincloss, joan didion, saul bellow, joyce carol oates, allen ginsberg, essayist, robert benchley, stephen spender, vonnegut, nelson algren, betty friedan, lionel trilling, john kenneth galbraith, virginia woolf, william hazlitt, herman melville, sylvia plath, erica jong, toni morrison, isaac bashevis singer, john dos passos, kerouac, edith wharton, marcel proust, mencken, evelyn waugh, alexander woollcott, dalton trumbo, literary, christopher isherwood, bertrand russell, jacques derrida, arthur koestler, somerset maugham, andre malraux, mordecai richler, randall jarrell, ezra pound, novelist, carson mccullers, arthur schlesinger, updike, gloria steinem, bernard malamud, walter lippmann, eudora welty, hannah arendt, samuel beckett, james fenimore cooper, william butler yeats, arthur rimbaud, gertrude stein, ralph ellison, john steinbeck, andre gide, eugene v. debs, mary wollstonecraft shelley, ralph waldo emerson, biographer, gustave flaubert, ferlinghetti, aldous huxley, ford madox ford, herblock, lincoln steffens, turgenev, umberto eco, theodore dreiser, yukio mishima, literati, beatniks, gene tunney, mickey spillane, albert camus, gunter grass, walt whitman, memoirist, jack kerouac, iris murdoch, emily dickinson, jessica mitford, percy bysshe shelley, herman wouk, vladimir nabokov, ambrose bierce, reinhold niebuhr, mario vargas llosa, simone de beauvoir, boris pasternak, william saroyan, bell jar, max beerbohm, stanley kubrick, leonard bernstein, poet,

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