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herman melville Definition

herman melville
biographical name(Mel-ville)
Herman 1819—1891 American author

Words Related to herman melville!

melville, nathaniel hawthorne, ralph waldo emerson, henry wadsworth longfellow, walt whitman, somerset maugham, flaubert, isaac bashevis singer, gustave flaubert, benchley, james fenimore cooper, saul bellow, samuel beckett, andre gide, arthur rimbaud, dostoevski, thoreau, edith wharton, ralph ellison, percy bysshe shelley, john dos passos, edmund spenser, william styron, james michener, john steinbeck, evelyn waugh, hannah arendt, philip roth, maupassant, reinhold niebuhr, samuel pepys, marcel proust, ben jonson, robert benchley, theodore dreiser, albert camus, virginia woolf, norman mailer, william hazlitt, jack kerouac, guy de maupassant, geoffrey chaucer, updike, john greenleaf whittier, epigraph, ezra pound, alfred tennyson, baudelaire, william butler yeats, ford madox ford, laurence sterne, lionel trilling, bertrand russell, anthony trollope, benjamin disraeli, edward gibbon, nietzsche, dostoevsky, ludwig wittgenstein, transcendentalist, cavafy, joyce carol oates, gunter grass, kurt vonnegut, allen ginsberg, tolstoy, alfred lord tennyson, horace walpole, mallarme, aeschylus, emily dickinson, langston hughes, edna ferber, georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, lawrence durrell, stephen spender, johann wolfgang von goethe, catullus, wodehouse, robinson crusoe, christopher marlowe, aeneid, vonnegut, proust, alexis de tocqueville, arthur koestler, alexandre dumas, sonnets, thomas malory, plutarch, john singleton copley, dreiser, zane grey, ferlinghetti, jorge luis borges, gertrude stein, kerouac, harriet beecher stowe, archibald macleish, isak dinesen,

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