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mordecai richler Definition

mordecai richler
biographical name(Rich-ler)
Mordecai 1931—2001 Canadian novelist

Words Related to mordecai richler!

richler, stephen leacock, northrop frye, saul bellow, margaret atwood, isaac bashevis singer, alice munro, lucy maud montgomery, alexandre dumas, michael ondaatje, alexander woollcott, somerset maugham, guy de maupassant, arthur rimbaud, louis auchincloss, turgenev, gustave flaubert, guillaume apollinaire, bernard malamud, ford madox ford, quebecker, jacques tati, laurence sterne, christopher isherwood, robert benchley, gerhard herzberg, stephen spender, john updike, anthologist, stefan zweig, jean anouilh, witold gombrowicz, ondaatje, martin buber, simone weil, anthony trollope, humourist, diefenbaker, aleichem, cavafy, truffaut, maupassant, flaubert, philip roth, stageplay, balzac, boris pasternak, ivan turgenev, francois rabelais, israel zangwill, newfoundlander, gunter grass, william styron, edmond rostand, simone de beauvoir, evelyn waugh, andre gide, marcel proust, edna ferber, maritimer, lionel trilling, playwright, norman mailer, oblomov, franz werfel, denise levertov, erich maria remarque, anatole france, mallarme, edmund kean, ernst lubitsch, emile zola, sir tom stoppard, hermann hesse, dalton trumbo, tragedian, john steinbeck, feydeau, prix goncourt, john dos passos, kurt vonnegut, herman wouk, theodore dreiser, hannah arendt, georges simenon, pierre trudeau, knut hamsun, thomas malory, italo calvino, hamsun, bram stoker, samuel beckett, fyodor dostoyevsky, mary wollstonecraft shelley, muriel spark, herman melville, albert camus, gertrude stein, dramatist, shel silverstein,

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