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eudora welty Definition

eudora welty
biographical name(Wel-ty)
Eudora 1909—2001 American writer

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carson mccullers, phillis wheatley, toni morrison, emily dickinson, charlotte bronte, john steinbeck, ralph ellison, harlem renaissance, stephen spender, joyce carol oates, langston hughes, somerset maugham, joan didion, evelyn waugh, nathaniel hawthorne, gustave flaubert, isaac bashevis singer, randall jarrell, roald dahl, barbara kingsolver, edith wharton, ethel waters, shel silverstein, archibald macleish, alice munro, sara teasdale, willa cather, harriet tubman, anthony trollope, john updike, antebellum, iris murdoch, bernard malamud, sylvia plath, norman mailer, william styron, virgil thomson, muriel spark, mary wollstonecraft, ray bradbury, literary, grandma moses, novelists, tallulah bankhead, francesco petrarca, novels, christopher isherwood, angelou, gwtw, maya angelou, kate chopin, edmund spenser, kurt vonnegut, denise levertov, louis auchincloss, alfred lord tennyson, marcel proust, fats waller, poems, helen keller, lillian hellman, harriet beecher stowe, poetry, virginia woolf, ashbery, italo calvino, vachel lindsay, susan sontag, zane grey, leontyne price, turgenev, nannie, arthur rimbaud, robert benchley, salmagundi, dashiell hammett, gertrude stein, prose poem, herman wouk, dr. seuss, lucy maud montgomery, philip roth, percy bysshe shelley, isak dinesen, betjeman, leadbelly, civil rights movement, herblock, lionel trilling, winsor mccay, novelette, maxfield parrish, elizabeth gaskell, novella, maugham, nelson algren, beatrix potter, franz werfel, theodore dreiser, emily bronte,

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