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kurt vonnegut Definition

kurt vonnegut
biographical name(Von-ne-gut)
Kurt 1922—2007 American writer

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vonnegut, john updike, susan sontag, isaac bashevis singer, norman mailer, saul bellow, shel silverstein, george orwell, aldous huxley, ray bradbury, joyce carol oates, lionel trilling, philip roth, gustave flaubert, bertrand russell, robert benchley, arthur schlesinger, erica jong, louis auchincloss, joan didion, jacques derrida, bernard malamud, marcel proust, alexander woollcott, allen ginsberg, vladimir nabokov, william styron, john dos passos, hannah arendt, ring lardner, ford madox ford, archibald macleish, charles baudelaire, percy bysshe shelley, toni morrison, randall jarrell, ashbery, theodor seuss geisel, salinger, michael crichton, ezra pound, walter lippmann, isaac asimov, reinhold niebuhr, sylvia plath, john steinbeck, max beerbohm, kerouac, georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, evelyn waugh, italo calvino, martin heidegger, dostoevsky, gertrude stein, herman melville, thomas pynchon, ralph ellison, novelist, kierkegaard, john kenneth galbraith, erich maria remarque, richard feynman, arthur koestler, stephen spender, arthur rimbaud, simone weil, charlotte bronte, ferlinghetti, albert camus, mencken, samuel beckett, nietzsche, ralph waldo emerson, stefan zweig, emily dickinson, milton friedman, martin buber, raymond carver, updike, dr. seuss, mary wollstonecraft shelley, dostoevski, hilaire belloc, stendhal, derrida, johann wolfgang von goethe, literary, jack kerouac, betty friedan, fyodor dostoyevsky, mordecai richler, herbert marcuse, franz werfel, dreiser, flaubert, franz kafka, william butler yeats, humourist, winsor mccay, hermann hesse,

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