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jack kerouac Definition

jack kerouac
biographical name(Ker-ou-ac)
Jack 1922—1969 Jean-Louis American writer

Words Related to jack kerouac!

kerouac, beat generation, allen ginsberg, john steinbeck, thoreau, saul bellow, ferlinghetti, arthur rimbaud, ken kesey, herman melville, samuel beckett, cormac mccarthy, rimbaud, woody guthrie, marcel proust, poet, william styron, kurt vonnegut, edith wharton, ralph waldo emerson, william butler yeats, transcendentalist, albert camus, nelson algren, beatnik, hermann hesse, nathaniel hawthorne, walt whitman, joan didion, alfred lord tennyson, john dos passos, nevil shute, isaac bashevis singer, percy bysshe shelley, emily dickinson, gertrude stein, sylvia plath, norman mailer, james fenimore cooper, robert benchley, charles baudelaire, susan sontag, arthur conan doyle, ray bradbury, thomas pynchon, alfred tennyson, ezra pound, salvador dali, theodore dreiser, emily bronte, dostoevsky, louis auchincloss, counterculture, literary, che guevara, sara teasdale, rudyard kipling, denise levertov, baudelaire, john updike, aldous huxley, christopher isherwood, mordecai richler, timothy leary, ashbery, langston hughes, bohemian, andre malraux, italo calvino, lionel trilling, updike, simone de beauvoir, carl sandburg, flaubert, leonard bernstein, vladimir nabokov, bell jar, evelyn waugh, maupassant, ansel adams, william hazlitt, geoffrey chaucer, gustave flaubert, jorge luis borges, zane grey, r. buckminster fuller, kesey, stephen spender, poetry, benzedrine, poems, tolstoy, turgenev, lucy maud montgomery, anthologist, thelonious monk, pynchon, ludwig wittgenstein, dashiell hammett, isak dinesen,

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