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ring lardner Definition

ring lardner
biographical name(Lard-ner)
Ring 1885—1933 in full Ringgold Wilmer Lardner American writer

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alexander woollcott, robert benchley, bernard malamud, damon runyon, mickey spillane, sportswriter, kurt vonnegut, florenz ziegfeld, edna ferber, isaac bashevis singer, vachel lindsay, lionel trilling, walter lippmann, louis auchincloss, edmund kean, lincoln steffens, albert camus, owen wister, nelson algren, beatrice lillie, runyonesque, langston hughes, william saroyan, joyce carol oates, mencken, carl sandburg, horace greeley, odets, wisecracker, herman melville, guy de maupassant, eugene v. debs, georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, gunter grass, dreiser, acidulous, mary wollstonecraft shelley, barthelme, dostoevski, theodore dreiser, zane grey, erle stanley gardner, nostalgist, archibald macleish, saul bellow, writer, dorothy sayers, philip roth, fyodor dostoyevsky, dalton trumbo, somerset maugham, laurence sterne, huac, randall jarrell, john updike, chayefsky, william butler yeats, mack sennett, theodor seuss geisel, anthologist, martin heidegger, arthur koestler, max beerbohm, yinglish, herblock, israel zangwill, nonfictional, winsor mccay, madame curie, william hazlitt, harriet beecher stowe, stephen spender, hermann hesse, ironist, casey stengel, jaroslav hasek, erich maria remarque, leroi jones, horatio alger, gustave flaubert, aleichem, fyodor dostoevsky, arthur schlesinger, ernie kovacs, tummler, carson mccullers, tragedians, john dos passos, cassius marcellus clay, humourist, sara teasdale, satchel paige, james fenimore cooper, norman mailer, ferlinghetti, huckleberry finn, ambrose bierce, fictionist, samuel beckett, dostoevsky,

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