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nathaniel hawthorne Definition

nathaniel hawthorne
biographical name(Haw-thorne)
Nathaniel 1804—1864 American author

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ralph waldo emerson, edith wharton, herman melville, emily dickinson, john greenleaf whittier, harriet beecher stowe, henry wadsworth longfellow, somerset maugham, percy bysshe shelley, charlotte bronte, theodore dreiser, stephen spender, willa cather, anthony trollope, gustave flaubert, thoreau, isaac bashevis singer, ford madox ford, flaubert, andre gide, dostoevski, evelyn waugh, nancy mitford, hilaire belloc, carson mccullers, john dos passos, alfred lord tennyson, alfred tennyson, emily bronte, geoffrey chaucer, muriel spark, italo calvino, edmund spenser, hannah arendt, archibald macleish, john steinbeck, edna ferber, baudelaire, denise levertov, ben jonson, rudyard kipling, bell jar, dreiser, sylvia plath, mary wollstonecraft, virginia woolf, james fenimore cooper, robert benchley, horace walpole, dorothy sayers, eudora welty, lionel trilling, bernard malamud, wodehouse, mary wollstonecraft shelley, novelist, john singer sargent, w. somerset maugham, sara teasdale, johann wolfgang von goethe, maugham, elizabeth gaskell, kenneth grahame, cavafy, guy de maupassant, edward gibbon, maupassant, poet, william hazlitt, louis auchincloss, catullus, franz werfel, mencken, owen wister, boris pasternak, william styron, auden, jean giraudoux, noah webster, updike, petrarch, ralph ellison, lucretius, maxfield parrish, saul bellow, rabelais, tacitus, ecclesiasticus, max beerbohm, grandma moses, alexander woollcott, langston hughes, drood, turgenev, samuel pepys, walt whitman, samuel beckett, marcel proust, vladimir nabokov, vachel lindsay,

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