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activation energy Definition

activation energy
noun(activation energy)
the minimum amount of energy required to convert a normal stable molecule into a reactive molecule

Words Related to activation energy!

energy, electrical energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear fusion, rest energy, internal energy, exoergic, nuclear reaction, photovoltaic effect, endoergic, physical phenomenon, thermal neutron, infrared lamp, subvitalized, discharge tube, pyrheliometer, anelectrotonus, athermic, luminous energy, voltaic cell, ceraunics, work function, inergetic, dissipativity, nuclear chemistry, brisance, electricity, compton effect, electric current, innerve, corposant, starter motor, hydrogalvanic, electric charge, metallic bond, thermocurrent, separation energy, heat engine, triboelectricity, organotrophic, potential difference, glow discharge, equivalent weight, electrical resistance, calorescence, atomic weight, heat capacity, state of matter, magnetic moment, mean free path, krebs cycle, reaction turbine, conservation of energy, tithonic, thermoelectrometer, parelectronomy, hot bulb, induction coil, calorimotor, entheastic, photonuclear, muster up, arc lamp, thermion, electropathy, mass defect, ideal gas, excandescent, electron shell, diradiation, photoautotroph, magnetomotor, white coal, electrode potential, thermalize, electric fire, atomic mass, lorentz force, electric potential, conservation of mass, tasimeter, stereoelectric, actinism, gas mantle, refractory period, solar constant, metergram, quantum number, perpetual motion machine, electrical discharge, town gas, flux density, hydrodynamometer, natural process, chemical equilibrium, muonium, hyperfine structure, relative atomic mass, deflagrate,

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