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intelligential Definition

having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity
revealing or reflecting good judgment or sound thought : skillful
possessing intelligence

Words Related to intelligential!

sophomania, tactical intelligence, international intelligence agency, cerebricity, intelligencing, intellected, intelligence community, central intelligence agency, secret intelligence service, mother wit, national security agency, misintelligence, army intelligence, intelligence agency, dianoialogy, signalist, defense intelligence agency, good sense, administrative unit, encephalology, ingeny, general knowledge, psychic communication, ingeniosity, facundity, misosophy, inscient, reconnaissance in force, information science, spyboat, forewit, interknowledge, scientific knowledge, common knowledge, high command, intelligence activity, basic cognitive process, unwit, diswitted, public knowledge, metempirics, information theory, psilosopher, military science, unprophetic, aretaics, researchful, onology, intellectual, ultracrepidarian, ultracrepidarianism, cognitive process, mathematical logic, analytic, backroom boy, literate person, empirical research, dianoetic, natural philosopher, computer scientist, company man, psychological feature, general semantics, sciolous, agrammatist, military capability, unempirically, unpredictive, scientific method, extradictionary, malebranchism, perceptive, audenesque, callidity, ignorantist, computational linguist, witful, military intelligence, vulpinism, mass medium, unthinker, atmology, black operation, wittified, atechnic, pansophical, monodynamism, hylic, stoichiology, unskill, noematic, telepathize, dispassioned, sophophobia, morology, astrognosy, spyism, intelligence agent, multanimous, sensive,

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