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backroom boy Definition

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Words Related to backroom boy!

brain truster, research worker, scientist, computer scientist, health care provider, natural philosopher, researcher, boffin, computational linguist, counselorship, expert, administrative unit, professional organization, company man, employment agency, natural scientist, iatro, laborant, social scientist, technician, industrial engineer, scientific knowledge, ollamh, technostructure, academicianship, dianoialogy, academian, medical scientist, circuit rider, past master, health professional, information science, empirical research, consultant, specialist, scientific method, information theory, ergology, technologist, academist, system administrator, penologist, personnel department, academic department, central intelligence agency, fugleman, institutor, union representative, iatromathematical, scientific, medical student, prorector, encephalology, research, thalassography, physicist, line manager, general knowledge, staff officer, charter member, extraprofessional, adviser, colleague, intelligence activity, institutive, national security agency, organization, scholarly person, tectology, elucubrate, quality circle, iatrochemist, command performance, body of work, biologist, master of science, ricercare, secret intelligence service, common knowledge, group practice, literate person, influential person, rocket engineer, old boy network, primary research, analyst, business department, investigator, line management, huttonian, researchful, business activity, favorite son, stratography, molecular biologist, comparable worth, physiocrat, control group, library science, talk shop,

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