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black operation Definition

Sorry, we have no definition for black operation, but we found lots of similar words you can look up.

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Words Related to black operation!

clandestine, covert, military operation, amphibious operation, backstair, clancular, army intelligence, intelligence activity, operation, defense intelligence agency, military unit, intelligence community, in secret, republican guard, guerrilla force, naval unit, international intelligence agency, military science, high command, central intelligence agency, clancularly, ultrasecret, medical procedure, operative, command post, military post, military, national security agency, paramilitary organization, undercover, strategus, military formation, taxiarch, secret intelligence service, spyism, major surgery, general staff, reconnaissance in force, military censorship, police action, dyadic operation, military force, military group, red army faction, cia, secretist, secret, military campaign, military capability, military adviser, army unit, air force officer, attack submarine, in petto, police work, paludamentum, air unit, unsecret, espionage, army officer, subreption, social control, intelligence agent, secretive, judge advocate general, flag rank, reconnaissance, shore patrol, undercover operation, topological group, night letter, counterintelligence, epopt, milk run, surreptitious, control group, computer operation, staff officer, revenue cutter, military ceremony, surveillance, underaid, military reserve, covert operation, defense contractor, army brat, operational, obreptitious, armipotence, combat pilot, judge advocate, cobelligerent, psychological warfare, tectly, surreption, gastroenterostomy, psyop, discovert, commando, warfarer,

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