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computer scientist Definition

computer scientist
a scientist who specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computers

Words Related to computer scientist!

information science, computational linguist, information theory, library science, scientific discipline, islamic law, child psychology, syntax error, informatics, research worker, dianoialogy, field of study, industrial engineer, natural scientist, cybernate, scientist, iatromathematical, backroom boy, natural philosopher, computer architecture, social scientist, binary file, semantic error, ollamh, backup file, science, master file, scientific knowledge, computer science, computational, software error, iatromathematics, encephalology, iatro, academic department, academian, space biology, biolinguistics, scientific theory, master of science, molecular biologist, researcher, compute, wave theory, significs, mathematician, number theorist, doctor of philosophy, penologist, bioclimatology, computational linguistics, cell theory, miscompute, bioinformatics, linguistic scientist, academist, medical student, scientific, anthropobiology, scientific method, tectology, thalassography, mathematics, glottology, bachelor of science, mathematical, physicist, rocket engineer, disk controller, medical science, neurolinguist, botanology, selenology, engineer, diagraphics, biology, hexicology, galois theory, environmental science, digital computer, academicianship, unscience, metalinguistics, actinochemistry, historical linguistics, hybrid computer, computer, medical scientist, computerphobia, mechanical engineer, index register, trace program, iatrochemist, hardware error, utility program, university, glottologist, mathematical logic, laborant, neogrammarian,

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