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intelligence activity Definition

Sorry, we have no definition for intelligence activity, but we found lots of similar words you can look up.

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Words Related to intelligence activity!

intelligence, intelligence operation, reconnaissance in force, spyism, spy, police work, intelligence agent, black operation, activity, human activity, company man, espionage, business activity, coactivity, military operation, undercover operation, control group, spyboat, surveillance, ricercare, trial balloon, empirical research, epopt, social activity, command performance, act upon, private detective, logical argument, in secret, social event, look out over, international intelligence agency, military science, perlustrate, central intelligence agency, indagate, counterintelligence, intelligencing, group action, ferret out, investigable, encounter group, elucubration, general semantics, national security agency, in petto, stand watch, intelligence community, backroom boy, action, tell on, quality circle, lie in wait, fugleman, underaction, ask for it, active voice, mass medium, weasel out, race murder, school assignment, military campaign, army intelligence, house detective, procinct, social control, monodynamism, telephone conversation, do work, covert, oyer and terminer, service of process, conduct, secret intelligence service, tactical intelligence, agible, sound out, badger game, noematachograph, torpent, slave traffic, eavesdrop, thirst for knowledge, chemical defense, ergology, premotion, indagative, inside information, impleader, ferreter, cost benefit analysis, overeye, conductible, senior status, reconnaissance, wiretapping, administrative unit, set about, evestigate, judicial review,

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