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visible spectrum Definition

visible spectrum
noun(visible spectrum)
the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which the human eye is sensitive extending from a wavelength of about 400 nm for violet light to about 700 nm for red light

Words Related to visible spectrum!

color spectrum, spectrum, actinic radiation, line spectrum, spectral type, microwave spectroscopy, absorption band, luminous energy, electromagnetic spectrum, wavelength, calorescence, spectral, auxochrome, infrared lamp, compton effect, spectroheliograph, isochromatic, spectrology, spectrohelioscope, diradiation, optical phenomenon, trichroism, microspectroscope, extremely low frequency, allochromatic, radiant energy, heat ray, wave number, band spectrum, caesious, absorption spectrum, zeeman effect, chromatrope, infrared, chromascope, tithonographic, tithonic, wollaston prism, very high frequency, tyndall effect, rutilate, carrier wave, microdensitometer, cosmic background radiation, lucimeter, leucoscope, electron spin resonance, hyperfine structure, anaclastics, mass spectrum, photofission, fluorescence, hueless, stauroscope, exposure meter, bluely, diactinic, photomagnetic, radioluminescence, strigate, gridelin, spectroheliogram, spectroscopy, monochromatism, beamless, bepurple, absolute magnitude, nicol prism, scintillation counter, cytophotometer, ultraviolet, colour television, photodisintegration, rosaniline, photoscope, cytophotometric, indian red, light meter, optogram, background radiation, irisated, trichromacy, pyrheliometer, eradiation, physical phenomenon, dioptrics, waveband, optical device, saxon blue, dynactinometer, photon, visual purple, visual property, holophotal, radio astronomer, optical rotation, infrared radiation, chrome red, chrome green, apparent magnitude,

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