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radioluminescence Definition

luminescence produced by bombardment with ionizing radiation

Words Related to radioluminescence!

chemoluminescence, luminescence, scintillation counter, actinic radiation, radiogold, radiophobia, radiothorium, calorescence, photomagnetic, radioelement, radiant energy, fluorescence, microwave spectroscopy, noctilucine, radio, beta radiation, luminous energy, radiogoniometer, alpha radiation, photoluminescence, radiomicrometer, infrared lamp, radio receiver, corpuscular radiation, compton effect, photodisintegration, diradiation, counter tube, heat ray, radiotoxic, spectrohelioscope, spectral type, photovoltaic effect, absorption band, phosphorescence, photofission, radio astronomer, triboluminescence, electron spin resonance, lucimeter, radiostrontium, absorption spectrum, electric eye, rutilate, thermionic valve, very high frequency, visible spectrum, tithonicity, background radiation, chemiluminescence, electroluminescent, radiophotograph, radioteletype, beta particle, spectroheliograph, radiation pyrometer, tithonic, pyrheliometer, actinotherapy, extremely low frequency, actinism, bioluminescence, beamless, wavelength, infrared, photoconduction, fluorescent, microdensitometer, photonuclear, carrier wave, trichroism, rebroadcaster, electron gun, tithonographic, photodynamics, stauroscope, exposure meter, selenium cell, optical phenomenon, erbia, phosphor, actinometry, crystal set, electromagnetic wave, waveband, femtochemistry, radiation, emicant, infrared radiation, cytophotometer, optogram, anaclastics, diactinic, eradiation, spectroscopy, wave number, electromagnetic spectrum, radio galaxy, illumination, optography,

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