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thermometric Definition

an instrument for determining temperature; especially : one consisting of a glass bulb attached to a fine tube of glass with a numbered scale and containing a liquid (such as mercury or colored alcohol) that is sealed in and rises and falls with changes of temperature

Words Related to thermometric!

titrimetry, cryometer, hygrodeik, radiation pyrometer, thermohydrometer, hygrometric, thermodynamic temperature, kelvin scale, mercury barometer, aneroid barometer, salimeter, hydrotimetry, temperature scale, specific heat capacity, holometer, absolute temperature, hygrostatics, saturation point, triple point, clinical thermometer, holosteric, ebullioscopy, critical temperature, isobarometric, sphygmomanometric, hydrometrical, actinometric, thermoelectrometer, volumetric analysis, vaporimeter, heat capacity, thermophobia, specific heat, spectrophotometric, calorimetric, haemomanometer, barometric, vacuum gauge, absolute humidity, amperometer, otheoscope, sphygmic, peltier effect, vapour density, radiogoniometer, haemochromometer, haemoscope, ozonometry, chemical analysis, hemadynamometer, thermogravimetric, fundamental quantity, relative humidity, electric eye, degree celsius, critical point, candy thermometer, alkalimetric, hydrobarometer, acidimetric, lucimeter, athermic, cymogene, light meter, chyometer, areometry, thermal neutron, astrometer, exposure meter, thermotaxic, spectroscopic, thermomagnetism, infrared, barographic, cryoscopic, physical property, thermotension, water gauge, thermal, longimetry, candent, tithonometer, rheometric, system of measurement, heat of vaporization, pyrectic, counter tube, metrological, anemometric, aneroid, infrared lamp, electrothermic, aerometry, kilogram calorie, isothermal, anglemeter, pneumometry, homoiothermal, idiothermic, calorescence,

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