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margaret mead Definition

margaret mead
biographical name(Mead)
Margaret 1901—1978 American anthropologist

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lionel trilling, gertrude stein, ralph waldo emerson, mary wollstonecraft, andre gide, william hazlitt, gunnar myrdal, martin buber, denise levertov, arthur schlesinger, bertrand russell, reinhold niebuhr, ashley montagu, metaphysician, james michener, william saroyan, philosopher, betty friedan, ferlinghetti, paul tillich, francis galton, karl jaspers, emile durkheim, benjamin spock, sigmund freud, gloria steinem, freudian psychology, louis auchincloss, harlem renaissance, konrad lorenz, herman melville, margaret sanger, beat generation, thomas paine, soren kierkegaard, georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, allen ginsberg, feminist, pierre teilhard de chardin, francesco petrarca, francois rabelais, hilaire belloc, norbert wiener, simone weil, martin heidegger, edmund husserl, eleanor roosevelt, anthologist, christopher isherwood, erica jong, karl menninger, beatniks, negritude, lucretia mott, buckminster fuller, nevil shute, richard feynman, elias canetti, anthropologist, susan sontag, aldous huxley, dobzhansky, r. buckminster fuller, herbert marcuse, libber, langston hughes, alexis de tocqueville, david riesman, kahlil gibran, eugene wigner, northrop frye, kurt vonnegut, aphorist, edmund burke, thorstein veblen, saul bellow, negro spiritual, mary wollstonecraft shelley, adolf loos, groucho marx, nietzsche, randall jarrell, ashcan school, harold nicolson, friedrich froebel, henri bergson, georges cuvier, laozi, harriet beecher stowe, giovanni boccaccio, josephine baker, walt whitman, scholar, walter lippmann, ezra cornell, leroi jones, folklorists, william butler yeats, francois villon, ferdinand de saussure,

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