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margaret sanger Definition

margaret sanger
biographical name(Sanger)
Margaret 1883—1966 née Higgins American birth-control activist

Words Related to margaret sanger!

eugenicist, elizabeth cady stanton, eugenic, gloria steinem, betty friedan, lucretia mott, suffragist, feminist, feminist movement, katharine houghton hepburn, civil rights movement, liberationist, henry luce, abolitionism, frederick douglass, steinem, antifeminist, ashley montagu, friedan, ayn rand, mary wollstonecraft, benjamin spock, arthur schlesinger, abolitionists, jeannette rankin, barry goldwater, martin buber, antislavery, susan sontag, abortionist, homophile, eleanor roosevelt, simone de beauvoir, fdr, dred scott, harriet tubman, reinhold niebuhr, karl menninger, suffragette, hannah arendt, sojourner truth, nat turner, harlem renaissance, contraception, harriet beecher stowe, sigmund freud, isadora duncan, clara barton, lionel trilling, erica jong, abortion, emancipation, mencken, shirley chisholm, martin heidegger, bertrand russell, maria montessori, woman suffrage, mary mcleod bethune, assimilationist, marcus garvey, karl marx, objectivist, jessica mitford, abigail adams, feminazi, leon trotsky, walter lippmann, thomas paine, emile zola, aldous huxley, isaac bashevis singer, margaret mead, charles lindbergh, denmark vesey, leroi jones, goldwater, andrei sakharov, proudhon, lillian gish, simone weil, toni morrison, antiabortion, transcendentalist, gertrude stein, slaveholder, socialist, georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, reconstructionism, progressives, liberation theology, milton friedman, florence nightingale, proslavery, albert schweitzer, pantheist, pamphleteer, enovid, allen ginsberg, clapham sect,

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